Motifs, Bookmarks, Ornaments, Bracelet, Necklace, Snowman, Ice Drops,
Runner, Doilies, Box, Earrings, Bell, Snowflakes, Leaves and Wreath
Vera has posted some of the motifs she has been working on like these that
can be used as bookmarks or ornaments. This one is something that she's
been wa...
7 years ago
Hi, I just found your blog site while I was looking for "tatting". I have been wanting to learn the art of tatting but I do not know if there's any class or person I can learn from. I live in Helena, AL right outside of B'ham. I noticed your reside in B'ham and thought you may be able to help me.
Mrs. Pope
Mrs. Pope,
I am glad you are interested in tatting and want to learn. I live in the Eastern section of Birmingham which would be a long drive from Helena. I am mostly confined to home, or very close to home, due to migraines. I would love to help you learn if you want to drive all the way over here. I can direct you to some online sites that have very good tutorials if you want me to. Sharon's tatted lace which is a link on my sidebar is a good one. I don't know of any classes in Birmingham or Alabama, for that matter. Let me know what I can do to help.
Do I see tusks?
This is how far I've gotten on mine too.....I am still in the dark.
Sounds like you might become a teacher Laura
I do believe you might see tusks!
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