Well, our friend Jane almost got me with this one! Tatting it was extremely challenging, but very rewarding. It is one of the patterns she shared with us a couple of days ago on her blog. The pattern can be found here: http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~nickeb/doodles2.htm
I used some old J.P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen in aqua so it would be large enough to support the pearls. These are some of my mother-in-law's old pearls that she gave me to use on Mark's angels from his book that I got for Christmas. I wanted to make her some earrings to match the poncho and hat I knitted her for Christmas. I'll try to get the other one done tomorrow if I have time. I know it is a little big, but she likes big earrings and I think it will please her that they are her pearls.
I just love the way the rings look like little hearts. You did a great job Jane! Thanks bunches!