Despite Dragon Lore which says that Green Leaf Dragons are seldom spotted in the summertime, I have captured this one and I'm not letting it go!
I tatted this dragon using Yarnplayer's Fern hand dyed thread in size 20. He was a bit troublesome as he knew he wasn't supposed to be out this time of year. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! He really was not trouble and I enjoyed tatting him, except I kept getting backwards in the wings for some reason. In any case, it is sorted out. I don't think mine looks as good as the others I've seen. Guess I'll have to try again.
The dragon pattern is by anne Bruvold and she was kind enough to share it with us
Thank you Anne!
How pretty. I do not blame you for not letting him or her go. Bring it so I can see it in person. Madeline
Beautiful! Yarnplayer's Fern HDT suits him very well. Will there more flying around in Issac's room?
This dragon looks perfectly perfect from my perspective.
Thank you Madeline. I think he needs some friends when I have time.
Thanks Jon. Yes, the HDT does suit him. I like never to have found him hiding in the leaves! LOL I hadn't thought of flying dragons in Isaac's room, but that's a good idea.
I'm glad you think he is perfect Sherry. I used the SSSR on this one but think I will do regular split rings on the next. I don't like the way the tail curled. I had a hard time pressing it down!
I've printed out the pattern. A dear friend taught me how to make split rings. I have a little thread. I guess all I need now is time!
I love your dragon! Hmmm... maybe you should start a dragon tree to keep up when your snowflakes need a rest!
Another dragon! I am getting dragon envy. I have too many other things I want to make first, but I will get to it soon. In HDT, of course. Your Green Leaf Dragon looks awesome. I can't wait to see the other dragons you make.
Your dragon looks very good made out of HDT Laura. He would be hard to find among the leaves.
Thanks Diane. I'm sure your dear friend had a very easy time teaching you split rings! Now, show her what you can do. I know, time, time, time. I don't know about the dragon tree. I don't like making them as much as I do snowflakes.
Thank you Jeff. It is so hard to find time for all these great projects. Your doily is looking great.
I'm glad you like him Clyde. I know how you like Marilee's Fern thread, except mine is size 20!
I think the dragon is great! I'm not quite adventuresome to attempt it yet, but yours is definately an inspiration. Does he have a name?
Thank you Tattrldy. It is a bit adventuresome, but rewarding. He doesn't have a name yet as I don't know with whom he is going to live!
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