Ann Bruwold's dragon again, this time tatted in green Flora size 20 with size 11 pink, glass beads. This maybe a little "girlie" for a dragon, but I want her for my room. I think she will have her own little frame.
I tried to think of a particularly clever name for her as she was inspired by a favorite outfit from my senior year of high school. I had an a-line skirt and sleeveless blouse made from green and pink material that was a kind of plaid I guess. The background was green with tiny pink stripes in both directions, to the best of my memory. I loved that outfit. It also had a canvas belt that was cream colored. My mother and grandmother made most of my clothes, but this one was "store bought" and very special. I don't know where Mother found the money to buy it, but I loved it and must have worn it out. I don't remember what happened to it. If only we realized how special our memories would be, we might hang onto some of the things at the root of these memories......