Saturday, November 24, 2007

Scans of Snowflakes #3 and #4

Courtesy of Karl, here are the scans of the last two snowflakes until I get the next one finished! We have spent the morning cleaning out the attic! Ugh!!! Now, I have to finish cleaning up the mess we made in the house whilst cleaning out said attic, vacuum, mop, dust, clean bathrooms, and further get ready for our family Thanksgiving meal tomorrow evening. Anybody care to bet whether I take time to finish that snowflake?

While going thru boxes that DH handed down from the attic, I found some treasures. I've got to clean and sort and then take and post pictures! Keep watching.


  1. Laura, I love this snowflake! I must be doing something wrong... I've scrapped 3 so far because they looked terrible!
