Friday, November 02, 2007

My first daisy picots!

I am probably more pleased with this snowflake than anything I have done in quite a while. I finally made myself learn to do a daisy picot, thanks to Jon's tatting. This is her pattern and I followed her very good instructions from her blog to learn daisy picots. She has pictures of her hands as she is doing them. I never could have done it without her! She says Riet taught her. Thanks to both of you! It is by no means perfect, but I think pretty darn good for a start.

The purple is DMC Cebelia size 20 and the green is Flora size 20. I wish I could give you a color number on the green. It is the softest, most subtle variegated thread with which I have ever tatted. I think the combination is so nice. I might have to redo my bedroom from green, white and pink to green, white and purple!

I wish I had a scanner so the pictures would be better. I used two backgrounds trying to get the best contrast.

1 comment:

  1. Laura, these are beautiful! I've looked at the directions, but haven't tried them yet! How many of these will you make?
