Monday, November 12, 2007

Mama's Crochet

Remember when I made Jon's rose doily and I said it reminded me of my grandmother's crochet? Well, I finally found a piece of it to show you and compare. It is very old and I was afraid to wash and press it, so just take it as you see it.

I put it next to Jon's doily and I am very pleased with the comparison. Both of my grandmothers tatted, but it was the normal tatting for their time - edgings and inserts. I know my dad's mom made one tatted doily, but I can't find it. I wish they could both see how much tatting has changed and how many wonderful colors and textures of thread there are now. What fun they would have!


  1. I wonder all the time what my great gran would think if she could see tatting now.
    It is very exciting.

  2. What a lovely piece, your grandmother's doily, I mean. It is so good to have crafts from older generations for keeping. I have a few pieces that I made that I cherish and I hope that my children and grandchildren will take good care of them as well later on

  3. Sherry, I have no doubt that your great gran would be extremely pleased and proud of you! It is exciting, isn't it?
    Jon, I don't know what will happen to Mama's things or mine when I can no longer care for them. I just don't think anyone will want the bother. We'll see.

  4. I have nothing from grandma or great grandma. Mum found a shuttle so someone must have used it.
    My mum crocheted endless dressing table sets too in pastel colours, just for something to do. She tatted miles of handkerchief edgings and used them.
    She machine washed her hankies and they are all still perfect, just shows how durable tatting it.

    I way prefer tatting to crochet it has that certain 'je n'sais quoi'.

  5. Pamela, I am sorry that you have nothing from your grand or great-grand. I so treasure mine. My mother crocheted and knitted. Her knitting was so lovely. I have lots of her things too. I'm glad you have a shuttle that someone used and the tatting. I have tatted edgings that must be 50 years old and still going strong. That's why I always attach after tatting so that it can be removed when the cloth wears out!
    I'm so glad that you used the saying 'je n'sais quoi'. I have always loved it and used it verbally, but had no clue how to spell it!

  6. I didn't know how to spell it either!
    should have been je ne'sais quoi.

  7. That is too funny! All right. Who knows how to spell it? Come on guys.
