Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dendrobium Orchid Rewards

After about five years of trying, this orchid I purchased last year has rewarded me with my first blooms for which I am responsible. (Except for a tiny jewel orchid that bloomed last year.) There are three blooms open and 9 more buds. Now, if I can get the one that is five years old to bloom, I will be extraordinarily happy!

The last picture has the best true color of the blooms. I made that picture without a flash.

This is not a break from tatting. I have already completed the center of another rose snowflake and should have it ready tomorrow.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Even if you are not celebrating our American Thanksgiving, we all have so much for which to be thankful!


  1. Just beautiful. Hope the other one blooms for you. Madeline

  2. They are beautiufl, aren't they? I have a few orchid plants myself, passed to me by my MIL - now that she is not able to take care of the plants because of health reasons. I always look forward to each blooming.

  3. Laura, your orchid is beautiful! I've tried to keep orchids alive twice now, without success, so I've just decided to admire the growing finesse that others have!

  4. Thanks everybody. I love my orchids. They bring me lots of joy, even when they don't bloom!
