Thursday, November 08, 2007

Blue Knitted Hat

I knitted this hat for Isaac. However, it somehow turned out to be almost big enough for me. I think I will list it on Etsy and see if it will sell. This is the first thing I have ever done using double point needles and I enjoyed it very much. I am going to start over with a smaller size pattern. I don't know what happened as I knit quite tightly, but we'll see. The next one is going to be red with little, black trains going around it. (I hope.) I'm just going to draw simple ones on graph paper and see if it will work.

I think I will take time out for another tatted snowflake first!


  1. I love knitting in the round! Somehow my hats always grow as I'm working on them, so I always start with the smallest size and figure out what will work from there. Sometimes I just give up!

  2. I have not knitted for a very long time - don't have need for knitted items when the weather is always hot here.

    I think the next one with the trains going round will look lovely, too.

  3. Yes! Knitting without seams is the best. Once I discovered round and double pointed needles the straight ones were relegated to a box in the basement! The hat looks really soft.
